пятница, 19 марта 2010 г.

Information about GTA 4

Collection of reliable facts about the game.

Released GTA 4 was April 29, 2008, on consoles. Released GTA 4 on PC 2 and 3 December, in North America and Europe, respectively.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Dual Core (Intel Pentium D or other)
Free hard disk space: 18GB
Video Card: 512MB Direct3D 10 or Direct3D 9 with support for shaders

The action takes place in Liberty City (Liberty City), in the 2008th year.

For physics in the game meets the technology Euphoria Engine - a real interaction between the player and the surrounding world.

Playing GTA 4 is based on the engine RAGE (see the example of Table Tennis game from RockStar)

The game has multiplayer.

18 radio stations, with a wide range of music, including one user.

Take-Two Interactive Software has confirmed the release of exclusive paid and free content in the form of whole episodes for GTA IV. Sale will take place only through Xbox Live. 17 February 2009-year left pervvy (Lost and The Damned). The second episode, The Ballad Of Gay Tony, is scheduled for autumn 2009 are;

The game came out on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. In the list of official platforms no PSP, no previous generation consoles (Xbox and PlayStation 2)

The game has four of the five areas of real New York, plus part of New Jersey

In Grand Theft Auto 4 No aircraft (functional), but there are helicopters

In the game there mezhlokatsionnyh downloads

Mobile phone submitted in the form of the organizer on your game screen, acts as a calendar, a means of communication, the entrance to the multiplayer. There is a possibility of sending SMS to other players;

Most of the missions and just communication occurs via a mobile phone;

U Street has its own name (Masterson Street, Oakley Street, Tulsa Street, Cisco Street, Delaware Avenue, East Hook, and Rotterdam Hill). Determining the location of areas now in the past!

Six stars investigation remained in place, but now the search itself is complicated by the offender. The police have to actually see you, to define the radius of the raid;


The main character Niko Bellic (Niko Bellic), a white man from Eastern Europe, 35-40 years old.

At the main character can be girlfriends

In a system aiming is automatic target lock, but it can be turned off in favor of manual

For Niko opportunity to travel on the underground;

Niko can cling to walls, use them as shelter and firing from behind them

Injuries are displayed on the body of Niko visual indicator of health and armor on the screen is a ring surrounding the mini-radar.

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